Category: Ex-Mormon

Mormons: Christians Or Apostates?

This study is based on the false doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that promotes a doctrine contrary to what the BIBLE teaches, because its prophet Joseph Smith, twisted the Bible in his own way. Mormons teach a false doctrine. REVELATION 22:18-19 says: ‘… If any man shall add unto them, […]

A Former Mormon Elder Testimony

Ex-Mormon Testimony Here is the eye-opening testimony from a former Mormon elder, Todd K. Olson, now studying to be a Christian minister (as of 2011): I spent my church life as a Mormon before I knew the Lord’s grace. My whole being is the desire to serve the Lord Jesus beyond my human abilities—even from my […]

Testimony of Mormon Lady go to hell

TESTIMONY – MORMON LADY DIES & GOES TO HELL & ALSO ENCOUNTERS THE REAL JESUS CHRIST The Testimony of Kay Lynn Trimble, a mormon who died, experienced the horrors of Hell, and came back to tell her story. (7mins, low quality video but powerful testimony). After experiencing being sucked down into Hell and seeing millions […]