Category: Ex-Jehovah Witnesses


I am a former Jehovah’s Witness. Since I was a teenager I have been part of this sect and I believed that it was the way to the truth. I persecuted Christians and ridiculed their Jesus. I didn’t believe that Jesus saved and called the evangelical churches false. I started to hate Christians. Until one day I started to debate with […]

Who Are The False Jehovah’s Witnesses?

This Bible study is based on the false doctrine of the false Jehovah’s Witnesses that promotes a doctrine contrary to what the BIBLE teaches, because its leader Charles T. Russell distorted the Bible in his own way.The false Witnesses teach a false doctrine. REVELATION 22:18-19 says: ‘…If any man shall add unto them, God shall […]

Ex-Jehovah Witnesses of Los Angeles

Kaylee’s Testimony By “Kaylee” When I was a little girl, living on a rock farm in Muskoka, my mother would drive into town to pay her bills and do her shopping. She would find a nice quiet street to park the car, and leave my brothers and I while she ran to do her errands. […]

Ex-Jehovah Witness Near Death Experience

Hearing by Audio:   I was baptized by the Jehovah’s witnesses in 1970. in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. I believed in God and I believed that Jesus Christ was a god ( according to John 1:1 on the JW’s Bible) created by the true God. I didn’t believe in life after death much less than I […]