Category: Once Saved Always Saved Deception


KENZO ATSUSHI IN NORWAY The year 2014 I took the plane and went to the city of Oslo, Norway. When I arrived at the hotel I went to pray.   STRIFE Jesus showed me in a vision, a church full of gifts, they used their tools for the edification and strengthening of the church. At […]


KENZO ATSUSHI IN DENVER 1 I live in the city of Denver, United States, the 1980s. I am Kenzo. I pastor a strict church. I was always rebellious. I did not obey this small humble ministry, separated from the corrupt churches. The Lord told me that He would use me, but I could not want […]

OSAS Biggest Lies of the Enemy

Saturday Afternoon July 11, 2020 As I was praying about the hardened hearts that still refuse to see the moment we now are living in, the Heavenly Father said. Write my words, daughter, write my words. I expressed my reluctance due to all the spiritual attacks currently being leveled at me, especially whenever I post […]